The Inspiration Of Erin
After a week in Ireland I'm all fired up to crack on with my current writing project set in Dublin, having bathed in the inspiration of Erin! We had a few days in Dublin and then headed west to Galway. Here are some of the photos I took:
By the way, Erin - the poetic name for Ireland - used to be my first name, but I switched to Seamus when I was 21. (Yes, Erin is often used as a girl's name!) My full name became Seamus Erin Anthony Kearney. Creating some potential confusion is the fact that I have an uncle and a cousin in Dublin who are also called Seamus! It's also interesting that my family over there pronounces our surname differently: I say Kerr-nee, they say Car-nee. Somehow the name was transformed when my father emigrated to New Zealand in the 50s.
During our week in Ireland we ate traditional food (including Irish salmon), drank a fair amount of guinness and listened to traditional music. But we also got the chance to see an excellent up-and-coming Dublin band. The Immediate performed in the famous Roisin Dubh pub in Galway while we were there. Here's what they look like:

I was very impressed with this group, who all have a go at vocals and the different instruments. I have a hunch this band is going to hit the big time and it felt an honour to see them live in their launch-pad stage. You can listen to some of their more popular songs - A Ghost in the House, Big Sad Eyes and In Towers and Clouds - here. They also have a website you can check out. I bought their debut CD after the concert and got them to sign it - one of them very sweetly wrote "I love you". This will be a precious possession when the band becomes an international success, which I predict will be the case. Because I had to wait a wee bit while they signed my CD cover (I didn't mind waiting), they very kindly gave me a collector's 45 rpm vinyl disc. I wish them all the success they deserve.
So, now it's back to work and my reading and writing - until the summer holidays! Hang on, Seamus! Live in the moment! Stop planning all these escapes! Yes, you're right. It's gorgeous outside. Spring can be magical. There is a lot to enjoy before the summer. Someone asked me in a recent email if I ever work and whether I'm rich. Let's just say that I work to live, I don't live to work. And rich? I wish. I don't smoke, don't drink too much and don't blow money on unnecessary luxuries, so there is more of a chance of getting out and seeing this planet of ours. I have also made it a priority in my life that I have plenty of time for creativity.
Now then, back to my poor characters in Dublin, who've been standing in the same spot for weeks!
I am ashamed to say I've never been to Ireland, but I would very much like to go. Your photos are beautiful. And I am always intrigued by people who change their names. When I was growing up I detested mine and longed to be called something different. Now I guess I have grown used to it. But it must be liberating to take control over your identity that way.
Hi litlove,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, Ireland is a must I think for anyone living in Europe. There is so much to see and do.
Re my name. I knew I had made the right choice to change it when all of my close family and friends switched to Seamus overnight, with very few people slipping and calling me Erin - not even my Mum! I never felt comfortable with my old name and "Erin from the Waltons", a girl, made life difficult at school. Also, when I first starting out working in radio, I couldn't bear saying my name on air; it just didn't work and I didn't say it with pride. Seamus was a name my late father had wanted for one of his seven boys, but it never got taken up. Obviously, there is also the connection with my uncle and cousin in Dublin. Changing my name was one of the most liberating, self-affirming things I have ever done. :) Also, I wouldn't have got the chance to play with the word Shameless!
Nice couple of posts Seamus, plenty to chew over in the next few days. Already listened to The Immediate and liked and just about to peruse your lovely pics.
Now go and kiss some snowdrops, go on, shoo.....
london. that was the closest i'd got. have always admired the Irish for their literature (angela's ashes), their music (U2, the Corrs), their stories (waking ned), their dance (riverdance), their footballers (roy and robbie keane and steve finnan), etc.
will definitely go there one day in the future.
thanks for the beautiful pics of Ireland!
Eeek, what beautiful pictures! I'm going to have to go there sometime.
Minx dearest,
I've had enough of licking and kissing now ... it's back to the pump!
I'm glad you like The Immediate and hope you like the pics! :)
Yes, I would be surprised if someone went to Ireland and didn't enjoy it ... go for it if you get the chance.
and CaveBlogem,
Thanks. I'm glad you like the pics ... of course those sights were more breath taking in real life! :)
I love Ireland. I had a friend who was working there for a while and I've been there twice. Mainly Dublin and Wicklow area- beautiful. Well worth the trip.
Welcome! Nice to have you stop by. :) Yes, Ireland makes my heart sing! We must exchange links, you being a writer and all. :) I look forward to checking out your blog. :) And call by again anytime; you are very welcome.
I loved the dreamy pics, Seamus.
And you're right. Better to just live in the moment.:-)
Dying to ask you, what's your current writing project that's set in Dublin, then? Is it the novel? And is that what you're eager to be doing just now? cheers
Dear Seamus, love your photos, love Ireland...naturally, what's not to love? Glad you are feeling fresh and ready to get more writing under your belt. I understand the 'are you rich?' comment. Fong and I often get that one and like you, spend our money in different ways to most. Our priorities are different. Our sons are in for a rude shock when they enter the workforce and the so called 'real' world. We have always worked from home(during their short lives) giving up the saleries and perks-by choice. Like you we work to live...afterall we don't live very long
Hi Susan,
Yes, here and now, this is the moment! :) And yes, the Dublin project is the new novel I'm trying to write. There is so much to get done! :)
Hi. I'm glad you like the pics. Being there was even better! :) I'm also glad someone understands my thing about money and where it should go and how we should prioritise. It's always been something difficult to juggle, but the older I've got the more focused I've become.
Shameless, good for you. Welcome back home.
In reading the title and then reading your post, it is funny to think that you were inspired by . . . yourself.
You sound refreshed and energized (not that you sounded down prior) but coming back from Ireland and sitting down to write about Dublin has to feel good, feel right. I am glad for you, very glad.
Any painting or drawing during your travels?
Okay, now get writing!!
Hi GT,
I hadn't seen the inspiration thing from that point of view ... how belly-buttonish! :) I'm afraid there was no time for creating while I was there but I came back with an idea for a painting for our living room ... I've been looking for an idea for a while and I found it during a visit to an historic site. :) I'm looking forward to finally getting a new work done.
I am deeply envious... I recognize many of the places in your photos... I lived in Dublin for a year and a half and grew to love the place and the people - so much so that people always said my eyes and face lit up when I spoke of Ireland...
Lived there a year and a half? You're more Irish than me! :) What a wonderful place to hang out. I bet you had a ball!
I just had to write to you after I enjoyed all the pictures you put up from Ireland, So Very Jealous !!!! They are breathtaking, wonderful, fantastic, I watched them over and over. I am 42, from the United States, never traveled anywhere, but WOW, your pictures took me AWAY !!! Thank you so very much for sharing, It meant so much to someone like me, who will never get the opportunity to travel, like that. I plan to show my youngest son tomorrow, he went to England 2 years ago,and he brought fantastic pictures back with him, but his friend from England, went to Ireland on a school trip, so I bet he will really enjoy your pics too. So sorry to go on, and on, I didn't mean to ramble. Thanks for Sharing.
I am so happy to have your blog. I love the photos, your words, and your new name. I'm impressed that you responded so nicely to someone asking you if you work; some people simply can't grasp the concept of working to live and not buying things just to have things, and it's a damn shame. Happy creating!
That should be "to have found your blog." Hate typos ;)
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