I had some short stories, poems and photographs to share ... and so here I am

A Writer's Retreat

I think I've found the perfect place for a writer's retreat. These shots are from a hillside village called Cocconato, near Asti, in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy. I was here for a wedding the weekend before last. This tower, overlooking the village had my name written all over it. I wonder if it's for sale.

Oh, those rooftops! Everything was so calm and inspiring. It was only a four hour drive from Lyon. I must come to these parts more often.

The landscape took my breath away. It was very different to the beautiful French landscape, somehow greener and fresher. The rolling hills and defined fields also make a nice tapestry.

So, I know where to go when I need a couple of weeks to recharge, find peace, be inspired. The trouble is that my list of writing retreats is now so long that I'll never get back to all of them!


Unknown said...

But keep sharing them, you are saving us the leg work of finding them! ( ;

Unknown said...

I have always dreamed of buying a place like this to provide a writers haven. Ohhhhhh that's the one!

Ninjauthor said...


Always liked the idea of buying a little place in Italy to write and be merry (my book. is actually set in Piedmont, funnily enough, around Aosta).
In an ideal, dreamy world, I'd have a little villa in Italy, maybe Lake Garda, and an apartment in Queenstown, New Zealand. It'll never happen, but the imagination keeps the dream alive!

S. Kearney said...

I'm glad my native land, New Zealand, is on your list. Queenstown is indeed a wonderful place. People always wonder why I'm here! The grass is always greener? I look forward to reading your book by the way.

Ninjauthor said...

I went travelling there a few years back and visited a fair bit of New Zealand, both north and south Islands. Queenstown was one of our most treasured places, along with Mount Cook, Nelson, Tekapo, Wellington, Rotorua and Bay of Islands. Like to go back there one day, maybe for a couple of months to do some writing.

pundy said...

Hi Shameless, I didn't realise you were from New Zealand.

My eldest son emigrated there a couple of years ago after falling in love with a beautiful NZ girl. He works as a sound engineer in Auckland. I've been out a couple of times and loved the place. Wanaka is my favourite - great tramping and amazing fishing.

I'd love to live there in the winter too. As for your Italian retreat - book me in right away, I feel a masterpiece coming on.

S. Kearney said...

I think I will probably try to have this kind of life in the future - six months in Europe, six months in NZ. Follow the sun!

Anonymous said...

Shameless....it seems serendipidous (sp???) to me that I have stumbled upon your blog...looking as I was for a writing retreat:escape in france...and then coming upon all this about New Zealand...maybe it's the way google new zealand organizes it's searches...i live in golden bay and fantasie about creating a writer's retreat here and also in my homeland of canada...meanwhile i am just entering the realm of writing seriously having been distracted by sensible occupations for far too long...quite a leap I must say...i look forward to checking in with you again...would like to discuss more about retreats here and there...ah...the castle...how romantic..for now, sazen

S. Kearney said...

Hey there Sazen,
It is weird how we can fall across stuff on the Net, leading us off in many directions. Golden Bay would also be a wonderful location for a writer's retreat! Good luck with your plans and do pop back and visit my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello, fans of NZ! I am a Norwegian writer who keeps coming back to NZ. Planning to go for 2 months from the beginning of October. I usually go to Wanaka. But please tell me any news about a retreat in Golden Bay, Sazen. Pirt

Ciona said...

Stumbled upon your blog trying to figure out why NZ is calling to me. I live in the US and have never been. In fact, I never even thought about visiting New Zealand really since it was so expensive, but the country managed to find its way into my life this past year. I thought it was for one reason, but it turns out that reason was all wrong.

So I wonder now if it's my writer's paradise. NZ poets and writers really move me. And every day I get internet ads saying that Air NZ is having a sale. Would love to hear more about writers retreats/events/havens/colonies in North or South Island. Maybe I'm supposed to be there for a little while . . .

Unknown said...

Hi Seamus, stumbled across your blog while I was dreaming away about going on a writer's retreat as I have so much to write, but I can't find the time and really want to take a week or two off and go somewhere just to write. I too was a journo for 18months and am now a sub editor for Fairfax, but writing fiction is my real passion. Where abouts in NZ are you from? I'm in Wellington. Love your blog - I have a blog too, http://youmaysayimadreamer-sh.blogspot.co.nz/
Sarah :)